Yakim shu Hi, 這是我擴充腦內海馬體的地方。

【看馬男學英文】BoJack Horseman S105 - Live Fast, Diane Nguyen

Epsode 5 倉促的生活-戴安·阮







(at the funeral)

Stuff: Tell me about your father.

Diane: Well, he was a mean, sadistic alcoholic, who ever supported anything I did, and actively delighted in seeing me fail.

Stuff: Hmm, I see. Sounds like you’re looking for our Piece of Shit Dad Package.

Diane: That would be too good for my father.

Stuff: Hmm, I see. Might I them suggest our Piece of Shit Dad Package Would Be Too Good For Him Package.

Diane: Yeah, that’s the one.

Stuff: Excellent choice.

Stuff: 談談妳父親吧?

Diane: 他是個卑鄙、變態酒鬼,反對我所做的任何事,看到我失敗是他最開心的事。

Stuff: 好我了解,看來妳需要的是”人渣父親方案”。

Diane: 這可能還太恭維他。

Stuff: 我知道了,那我的建議是”人渣父親還太恭維他方案”。

Diane: 對就是這個了!

Stuff: 很好的選擇。


(in the dump)

Bojack: What’s great about Los Angles is nobody cares about where you’re from or who you are. It’s a superficial town. where you can worry about stupid shit like keeping your pool clean, and what artisanal nuts to put on your salad.

Diane: I do like salad.

Bojack: Oh, it’s the best. Why do you think people keep moving here? The good news is, your dad can’t hurt anyone ever again.

Bojack: Los Angles最棒的地方在於,它壓根不在乎你的過去或你是誰。 這是一個膚淺的城市,在這裡你只會在乎一些鳥事, 像是如何讓泳池保持乾淨,或煩惱沙拉上面要放哪種堅果。

Diane: 我愛沙拉。

Bojack: 對!那就對了。不然你以為大家幹嘛這麼愛來這? 至少好消息是,不會再有任何人被妳爸傷害了。


knee (n) 膝蓋

scenery (n) 風景

pump out 湧出

heartfelt (a) 衷心的

witty (a) 風趣的

observation (n) 觀測、觀察、評論

tragedy (n) 災難、悲劇

hang up 掛斷、擱置

frankly (a) 坦率地

dynamic (a) 充滿活力的、動態的

funeral (n) 葬禮

narrow-minded (a) 心胸狹窄

dirtbage (n) 垃圾、混蛋

the black sheep (n) 不合群、異類

presence (n) 在場、風度

savage (n) 野蠻人 (a) 殘暴的、兇狠的

legwork (n) 跑腿

combination (n) 混合、組合

barge in 闖進、打擾

immigrant (n) 移民

wicked (a) 惡毒的、很棒的 (slang) 酷斃了

pal (n) 好友

phoney (a) 虛假的

prank (n) 惡作劇

humiliate (v) 羞辱

therapist (n) 心理醫生

platinum (n) 白金

peek (n) 一瞥

conclude (v) 結束、完成、達成

blackmail (n) 敲詐

lav (n) 廁所

screw around 胡鬧

pearl (n) 珍珠

hiccop (n) 小問題

scrounge (v) 白要、白拿

peruse (v) 細讀

closet (n) 衣櫥、儲藏室、隱密 (a)隱密的 (v) 密談

disperse (v) 散去

land on one’s feet 安全著陸

presume (v) 推測

patent (a) 明顯的 (n) 專屬權、專利

closure (n) 關閉、蓋子、解脫、結局

superficial (a) 外表的、粗淺的、膚淺的

grudge (n) 積怨 (v)勉強、嫉妒